Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A month of OHMYGOD

Well, we have been here a month. I did think I would get back to blogging before now. I was wrong.

And really, this is just a quickie to say we are here, we are alive, we are back in our apartment, I am back to work, I am so overwhelmed and I am struggling daily with the urge to run away. Far, far away. Alone.

The other day my friend was telling me about this stab of emotion she gets every now and again and she just wants to sit and cry. All of a sudden I recognized what I've been feeling. A permanent lump in my throat.

But this too shall pass.

Nothing like a new baby, an international move, packing and unpacking a house, a quasi-new job AND a precocious 2-going-on-12 toddler to spice things up. Oh yeah, and Christmas...

So, I apologize for the silence on my end. When I find time to breathe I have no desire to get on the computer. Or if I do, I read my emails then swear to respond to the messages "the next time".

But then again, my inbox has not been flooded with Well-Wishes and Welcome Homes, so to hell with ya. Our Christmas card pile is pitiful too. Don't think Im not paying attention. Last year you had an excuse not to send (though still a flimsy one... what's one international stamp) but this year.... I'm keeping a list and I'll unfriend you on fb, I swear it.

Here are some of the latest to tide you over til
I really resurface...

This boy drools like a mofo.

Tell me that isn't awesome!

Who's Katie?


Leslie said...

OMG he is beautiful! I hate that I feel like he is a total stranger- a baby I have never seen before. But I do love him, SO MUCH! I can't wait to see you guys, snuggle up that little man, and listen to Katie and Hailey discuss life's lessons. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I've been checking daily for words from both you and Leslie...thank heaven you've returned to the land of the blogging! I've missed hearing about your chaotic life and seeing pictures of your precious children! Welcome home Malinda, we've missed you! Mama P

Debbie said...

Ahh, so good to have ya back :-) Michael is BEAUTIFUL!!! Amazing how big they are already! Email me your address - I'll have a Christmas card out to you ASAP. :-)

Jared said...

I knew there was a blog post coming. I KNEW IT! Thanks for the pics. Great lookin' boy!

Anonymous said...

I strongly endorse Zoloft!
Takes that feeling away in 30 days!

I may not have emailed but I did call!

Love the pics! I had asked your mom for some but she claims camera ignorance! Show her how to email pics!

Love to all,

Candace said...

Hey, what the hell-- one month, no real update-- get on the ball lady.

Anonymous said...

Waiting...... waiting.....
You know patience isn't one of my strong points!
You have Mummum there to watch the kids..what is your excuse?