Monday, June 7, 2010

Why Im not blogging more lately...

Most days include some variation of such display:

It is possible that I may have compounded things with the camera in her face...
This all started because she wasn't allowed back in the bathroom to "wash her hands", which of course means smear liquid soap all over the vanity, walls, floor...


Unknown said...

You will have to show that at her wedding...! I feel your pain, poor Michael doesn't know what to make of it all. Hope you are all well, all good here.

Debbie said...

LOL!!! Oh my gosh, Malinda, please come over so we can lock them all in a room and let them go at it while we blissfully chat over a cup of coffee and pretend we don't hear a thing.

I feel your pain. We were having an episode during lunch today and I thought, "I outta get out the video camera and record this so I can let the WHOLE WORLD know what I go through EVERY DAY."

I can see that the 3's are definitely worse than the 2's. Great.

Niki said...

lol Ah, the life of a mother.

Debbie, it's true. Two is better than three. At least it was with my kids, who are now 13 and 10.

Leslie said...

Terrible twos is a complete farse. Three takes the cake.

I know your pain girl. And that hysterical maternal laughter of knowing that we are not in control of our own lives anymore...I know that all too well. We laugh so we don't beat them, an interesting but highly effective coping mechanism.

Miss you LOTS!

Jared said...

The last few seconds of that clip is like one of those "When Animals Attack" videos, with Katie making these primeval noises while grabbing for the camera as you try to avoid the mauling of a wild animal. It made me laugh and brought chills of recognition at the same time. Michael's commentary was excellent as well.

I kid you not...the word verification nonsense word I have to type before this will post is "childmad". I think that sums it up.

Anonymous said...

OK, now put them in the car and drive to a store. Unleash this chaos on the entire store while you keep saying," I'm putting everything back if you don't stop."
Then, completelt ignore them and the dirty looks you get from everyone else in the store. Wait until the checkout lines are real long and then get in line. Read a magazine from the checkout area while your children continue to act out.
That is a piece of my day!

baresytapas said...

I entered this site by chance, but I found very interesting. A greeting to all the people who visit this page.

Borgette said...

Oh my my my.