Monday, September 8, 2008

Birthdays and Ballgames

Friday was a big day for the hallmark corporation. Who knew so many people were born on Sept. 5th? Calculating back 9 months... lotsa getting busy in December, makes sense I guess, tis the season of giving and all.

My friend Kristy's nephew, Nicholas turned 6 on Friday.
Manus' brother, Brian turned 40 on Friday.
Parker Daniel Maupin...didn't turn, but his birthday was Friday too!

Mr. Maupin with his beautiful mother, Leslie

Jona, the proud papa.

Big sister Hailey with her very own new baby, Mickey Mouse.

(There are times when I really feel far away...this was one of them. I love you guys. Congratulations)

Fastforward past Saturday. nothing happened.

SUNDAY.. The day of the All-Ireland Hurling Final. Its the Super Bowl, the National Championship and Christmas morning all rolled into one.

The funniest thing is that in Ireland the bars can't open early on Sunday, so this one just opens the back gate and serves out back. I feel like Yakov Smirnoff when I say, "I love this country!"

The Kilkenny Cats kicked the crap out of the Waterford Deise, bringing home the famed McCarthy cup for the third year in a row.
Liam McCarthy Cup

They make multiple annoucements over the P.A. asking that fans and supporters please not enter the pitch (field) following the game. yeah. right.
Up the Cats!!
We went back to Wicklow for the night and to Jacob's Well for the big celebration (both Brian's birthday and the big win)
Just like last year!

Now our time is dedicated to cleaning and packing for our big trip. And with Katie helping...

It should take, maybe, FOREVER.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you guys. Travel safely and keep the hurricanes away. Love ya, Georgie

Kristy said...

Have a SAFE flight! I'll be sending calming vibes across the pond for the last minute packing. See you Sunday - woo hoo!

Debbie said...

Awww....Congrats to Leslie - he's beautiful!

Have a safe trip coming home!!