Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Dog Ate My Homework

And other excuses for not posting more.

Life is kicking my ass these days. I think the meds need to be adjusted.

I know I sound whiny when I say working and being a mother and a wife is hard, but sometimes I really think it is. Don't roll your eyes. It's only cliche when you're on the outside looking in. After all, the Stones didn't write "
Mother's Little Helper" about a damn Cuisinart.

I want to journal and document and record all the many, many, many fun and humorous things that happen EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE. My silent thoughts often take the form of a post - I categorize events and memories under snappy little titles in my brain. But life has been keeping me from my keyboard. Friends and family are recalling right now all the unanswered emails they've sent (I read them, then keep them in the Inbox assuring myself that the next time I log on Ill have just a little more time and will respond to every last correspondence. The result of this is 478 emails sitting in the Inbox and 10-13 people who think Ive snubbed them. Even my facebook has a layer of dust on its cover. Fortunately was alerted to a fabulous family spat played out in status update/comment threads, so I have kept up with some online drama. TGIF.

Where is my time going? I swear I just don't know. A typical week unfolds

Monday= Food Shopping/Cooking day. On weeks that I work T, W, Th I try to make all the week's meals on Monday so Manus can just reheat whatever on his DDDD (Double Duty Daddy Days) - Even though I only work part-time, on the days that I work I leave the house by 6am and don't return til 8:30pm or thereabouts. This means Manus must get the kids up and dressed and to school then work and pick them up and get them fed and bathed and to bed alone.

Tuesday-Thursday= Saving Lives

Friday= Recuperating from above, cleaning the house, laundrathon and bringing up the children to be smart, confident, responsible members of society. (yeah, that only takes an hour or so out of the week... no biggie)

Saturday and Sunday= Family time. This means I don't want Manus on the computer and so therefore, I don't get on the computer.

But I want to post because as I'd said in the beginning of this blog thing, it is the only baby book/kiddie timeline I've kept and it's not fair to have documented all of Katie's notable achievements and none of whatshisname's.


Well, now I've rambled on enough for one entry. Will end this one and start another.

* yes it's a real word. I heart dictionaries.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Malinda, you do not sound whiny, that's for sure. I have absolutely no idea how you do it. Especially with the little one's being so little, it is so much harder.

Now that I've finished school I've been thinking about going back to work at least part time, but I know how much more difficult it would be so I'm not sure if I'm ready to take on that load just yet. But then again, the student loans ain't going away, so going back to work is much more of an urgent reality now.

Is it possible to find the balance between work, taking care of home, and enjoying just a few minutes to yourself? Wish we lived closer, we could do "mommy's day out" for each other.