Thursday, August 13, 2009


Last Sunday was our monthly "American Girls" get-together and the gals surprised me with a baby shower. It was such a great surprise and we had a really fun afternoon. One of the girls, Candi is a professional cake maker and so naturally, she supplied the sweets.
If you ever find yourself in need of a cake while in Ireland, let me know - I've got the hook up.

Jess made one of those awesome diaper cakes. Not that she is a professional diaperer though. But, a florist. That's how she knows all the fancy bows.
Of the two cakes, only one is still standing... And that's only because there wasn't buttercream frosting shmeared between the Huggies.

Though not clear and obscuringly back-lit, one must include the obligatory group photo.
Though not a great shot of either myself or Claire, one must include the obligatory "show how big my boobs are these days" photo.
Though unfortunately portraying an accurate depiction of my equally large upper arms, one must also show the obligatory "opening of the shower presents" photo. And the fiendish sneer. Do I make that face on a regular basis? Why have I not been informed?

The girls weren't the only ones decorating, either. You know how some people will decorate their house to announce the arrival of a baby? Like with big blue ribbons and bows and "It's a Boy!" signs?
Well, not my Manus. He decorates for the arrival of Kilkenny into the All-Ireland Hurling Finals. He's just so... proud. sniff.

I'm not the only one around here blossoming either. FINALLY the bulbs I planted back in April? Maybe May? have begun to flower.
I am absolutely shocked that I haven't killed this rose bush. Its survived two transplants and a vicious weed-whacker attack. And don't even get me started on the slug infestation.
But there it is, life anew. I counted about 8 buds on the bush. I sorta feel like since this little guy survived my "nurturing", there is hope for baby Michael as well. Just gotta keep the slugs off him.

So, I guess we are now officially ready. The 38 week mark passed yesterday without incident. My To-Do list is dwindling...
  • My hospital bag IS finally packed.
  • We picked up the car seat we will be using from Manus' cousin Mary last night. She is also loaning us her cradle, but it won't fit in the trunk, so we will get it this weekend.
  • I washed all the new baby clothes we got from the shower and they are folded and put away.
  • I've yet to write the thank you notes, but that will be done today.
  • My TENS machine arrived yesterday (mini taser you hook up to your back during labor so you don't feel the labor pain as badly). Set it up and tested it out last night. Sure, you don't feel labor pains cause you're too busy wincing from the shocks. A hammer to my big toe would be easier.
  • Gonna set up the baby swing and get batteries for it in town.
  • Also going to get a baby bouncer chair so as to have something to set baby down in while being domestic (cooking, cleaning, darning socks by firelight). Cheapest one I could find here in Ireland is 35 euro. That's almost 50 bucks. God, grant me the strength to make it til I can once again shop at Target.
  • Practicing my Kegels daily.
  • Shaved my legs (!) Or at least, what I could see and reach. Baby better come soon, don't think I'll be contorting myself again that way. Took 10 minutes to get up off the shower floor.
  • Have Manus performing potentially perineum-saving stretching techniques that are 1) not at all pleasant - but have given opportunity for me to practice my breathing and mental focus and 2)one step beyond that 'nice' level of couple intimacy - bordering on creepy, clinical and may perhaps be the reason we never have a third kid.
  • And finally, have now officially visited all rings of fiery Pregnant Woman hell. Thought hot flashes, morning sickness, heartburn, flatulence, stretch marks, sore pelvis, minor urinary incontinence, nasal congestion, constipation, hormone storms, emotional instability, adult acne, varicose veins, weight gain and swollen ankles were enough motivation to make any woman want to experience the joy of pregnancy... But no. There is more. While prepping to push out a 7 pound baby, I worked on pushing out a 7 pound turd and found that this baby has, already, created one giant PAIN IN MY ASS.

Holy Hemmie! Pass the Preparation H!


Unknown said...


Sounds like you are ready to go. The tens machine is great hope you find it helpful, I did. There is a baby chair in Callan that we had for Esme when she was born. Ask Orflaith for it, that will save you a few pounds. Cant wait for the phone to start tweeting!!

Debbie said...

Sounds like you're ready, girl :-)

We have a tropical storm coming our way, estimated to hit the Atlantic round Tuesday. Wouldn't that be fun for labor.

Can't wait to get your updates.