Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Yo Pops!

Hey Daddy-O!

Katie's not the only one that wanted to say hi and tell you to hurry home... Who knows how much longer I can stay in here. Its dark. And getting really crowded. (Apparently I'm 7 pounds today) And I'm tired of hanging out upside down.

Of course, Katie wants to say some things as well...

And here she says it all:


Leslie said...

OMG I love her chatty self! The second video wouldn't work for me so I keep watching the first one over and over. She and Hailey will someday have great ramblings with each other.

I know I will get the tweets when things get underway- but I DO expect a call as well!!


xandra said...

Your kid is too cute. Is it possible for the new one to be as cute? I am so curious if he will be as blond as Katie.

Jared said...

It's hard to tell if she is going to have a thick Irish brogue or not, but it doesn't sound like it. That was amazingly freakin' cute.

Borgette said...

Ok I need some help with those sonogram or phonograph or whatever they're called pictures. All I see are shadows in the first one, and the second one looks like one huge face. Is that what it is? Or is that his whole body bent in the shape of a face? Anyway, the one that's already out is damn cute. I can totally tell what she looks like from the pictures.

Malinda said...

Both ultrasound pictures are close-ups of the baby's face. Hand is kinda tucked up under chin. They are never that easy to decipher. Soon enough we will be able to look at the real thing...