Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Special Delivery!

My dear, dear friend Georgie sent me a package and it arrived today. It was my Irish Survival Kit. She had been reading my blog and listening to me drone on about things I couldn't find here and she went out and shipped over some of the things I've been complaining about not having. How nice is that? But before I get into that, and completely unrelated, I sure do miss big piles of money, the tight, round buttocks of my youth, and Johnny Depp....

So anyway, I just wanted to tell Georgie and the world how touched I am - and seriously this is not a play for sympathy or care packages* - I am just really blessed. And I am absolutely swimming in the baking goods now (the kind I can't mess up).

I think I'll save the vanilla instant pudding and the yellow cake mix and make up a proper rum cake. That is just one thing, when done right that can melt in your mouth and put a smile on your face for days.

There is also chocolate cake mix and chocolate pudding. Yum! Fortunately for me, the box cover indicates that it has "instruciones en espanol" Aye! Que Rico Suave!

And she sent a Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix "for PMS fix" - seriously, how did she know? No, really, the brownies will be gone by tomorrow. Sadly, I'll still be a moody bitch for another 4-5 days.

What I really love too is she sent along pictures from our last evening out...

(l-r) The Irish Anne, Jan, Georgie and Joy

I left that extra chin in Miami, if anyone is in need of one.

Belles of the Ball

I also know, courtesy of Georgie that 6 oz is exactly 185 gms and half a cup is 110 ml. Such indispensable information should be housed in a prime location. Georgie knows this too, that is why she put the information on a magnet. What she doesn't know is that my refrigerator is not a Trekkie and therefore does not attract Klingons.

That means I'll have to be creative with my house hunting for the Miami Beach magnets she sent too... But just one look was all I needed to get a true pain in the pit of my stomach with homesickness.

The magnets, and this:

Flan, arroz con pollo, cafe con leche.... I can't even get Sazon or Adobo. How can they expect me to prepare my palomilla steak? At first when I saw the box of flan I was thinking I would save it and make it one night as a special treat when we have my in-laws out for dinner. Then I thought. Dumb... that means less for me. So Im going to hide it and wait for Manus to go out of town. Then it can just be me and f-lalalalalala-an alone, all night. Ouch.. Stick-y!!

Georgie also packed my entire educational record from Baptist. So that means that I have to go through it now and see if it can supply evidence as to my nurse's training. I refuse to let this go. I'm not even sure that I would work as a nurse here if given the opportunity (don't tell Manus) but so help me if they don't acknowledge me as capable.

She bragged about how all the stuff I was lacking was stuff that she could find for $1.50 or less.... that may have been true until she hit the post office... Then all of a sudden, boxes of cake mix and a 5 inch stack of paper doesn't seem like such a great idea. Oh Georgie, god bless you sending all that to me...(especially since for the shipping cost you could have hand delivered it...)

I think the best part of the package was the cartoons sprinkled about the cooking implements.

A few of my favorites...

And the absolute best one.... Just imagine the little old lady voice


*Dear Mom, PLEASE don't think that because there has not (yet) been a whole post dedicated to the care packages that you have sent that I don't appreciate them and watch with bated breath for the postman to deliver them. They are truly the highlight of my day. And Katie's too... We love you!


Unknown said...


The custard flan is called Creme Caramel over here. It can be bought in packet form (for those who like to cheat) or is the easiest thing in the world to make from scratch.

Kristy said...

Look at Georgie, makin' me look bad! But seriously, what an incredibly nice thing to do. I was a few blogs behind today and was catching up (work is SO busy!), and I've mastered laughing silently now! (Cuz you KNOW my real laugh is a show stopper!) Miss you, girl. Even if you did stick me in the 300ZX hatch-back! xoxo

Debbie said...

Ahh...SO sweet! I'm sure that totally made your day!

Georgie said...

Enjoy my dear friend!!! I miss you lots, and I also miss our brown sugar w/oatmeal breakfasts, our 1700 vending machine fixes, Wednesdays and that damn sandwich you always ate! I hope you enjoy ur package! Con$ider it a goodbye, hou$ewarming, birthday, 4th of July, Halloween, and Chri$tma$ gift! Next time I'll put something in ur Mom's package... kisses to Katie!