Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Caught on Camera

A Yeti...
The Loch Ness Monster...

Just a few other things that measure up to the greatness of that which we caught on tape...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Awesome! Superb! Mom

Anonymous said...

It's easier to publish a comment as "anonymous" than as a blogger since this #$%^& website won't recognize the proper password!!!! (can you tell I'm frustrated???)

Unknown said...

Go Katie, Go Katie, Go Katie, Go Katie.

Tell Daddy we love his white legs, socks and slippers!!

Anonymous said...

What's up Manus and Malinda? Just wanted to send our warmest regards over from Miami. We miss you guys. Hope all is well.

Malinda, I hope you get some sleep soon for Manus' sake..........perhaps a mouthpiece will work for his "breathing issues".

Take care.

Juan, Susan, Kaylie and Julian Cueto

Anonymous said...

OMG, how freakin' cute is she??? I'm beaming with pride, and she's not even my kid! Girl's got skillz behind that camera. Oh, and Katie's cute, too.

Seriously, that Katie-bug is so darned cute, I could just eat her up. I loved the kisses. I could practically smell the apple juice on her breath. And the nose-picking...classic!

Manus is stylin' with those dark socks and slippers. Wow.

Oh, and Mags, welcome to the world on anonymity. I feel your pain with the password.

OK, now I'm no longer
anonymous, am I? Whatevs.

Anonymous said...

She is just so darn cute. I love her pick your nose kiss the best. Hope its going well.. miss you guys.


erica said...

The steps are great and all, but personally I'm a fan of the standing-wiggle. So cute!

Jared said...

She's walking now.

Life as you have known it...is over.

Good luck and God be with you guys.

PS...I taught Hanna how to pick her nose on command. Terri is thrilled.

Leslie said...

She is SOOO big! What a little rock star. There is nothing like that drunken sailor walk, and no, I don't mean Manus. Though I, along with everyone else, am inspired with the stylish nature of his footwear. Sure to be a style that spreads like wildfire across the world :)

Go Katie- I am so proud of you! And maybe you should stop spending so much time with your mother...picking your nose is not lady like no matter what she tells you. Farting isn't either. Please call me with any questions in this regard.


Anonymous said...

Manus looks H-O-T, HOT!!! Can he please let DJ know where to buy that sock/slipper combo?? Love it!!!

So the Rice traits are very apparent in that clip...I'm thinking Lar may have taught her how to pick her nose and smile. I see Lar do it all the time, Katie looks much cuter doing it than Lar does. hehehe!

She is precious and adorable and so funny. She must take after me!!!! Anne :)

(Dude, your laugh is so contagious!)

Georgie said...

Oh Malinda, I wanted to reach out and hug her soooo bad. I miss you guys even more now!! Good to hear your voice. Miss you lots, Georgie

xandra said...

We want more babies.
Please tell Manus to avoid the slippers and socks.
Unless, of course, you dig it.